Community Events

Prep-Year 6 Assembly 20 February 2019

​Prep–Year 6 held a wonderful assembly on Wednesday. During the assembly, we focused on how we can help meet the needs of other people in our lives, and continuing to make our College a great place to be.

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URStrong Workshops at Dominic College

​We had a fabulous professional learning session for our K-6 teachers this week with a first class educator and expert in friendship development, Ms Dana Kerford. This session was followed in the evening by a wonderful parent and student workshop on friendship also facilitated by Dana.

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Opening College Mass

​Every year at Dominic College, we plan that the very first time we gather as a whole school community, that it will be in prayer. On Wednesday, 13 February, all students and staff (except Kindergarten) gathered in the Savio Centre to pray. Our focus was to give thanks to God for our College community and to ask God to guide us and watch over us throughout the year.

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World Read Aloud Day

World Read Aloud Day was celebrated on Friday 8 February at Dominic College to promote the importance of ‘reading out aloud’. Across the school students could read aloud in their classes in many different subject areas.

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Ringing in Year 7 students

To start the day off, Year 7s gathered in the Savio Centre and we had a small Assembly, where we talked about ways of dealing with the first week of school as well as speaking of what Dominic was about.

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2019 College Calendar

​The 2019 College Calendar has been printed and has been mailed to all families. The calendar is a handy reminder and guide to the majority of important events at Dominic in 2019. Keep it on your fridge or your utility area!

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IWD breakfast 2019, with old scholar guest, Mercury journalist Jessica Sargent

Our annual International Women's Day breakfast is held on Tuesday 5 March 2019 and our special guest speaker is old scholar, Jessica Sargent (nee Howard, 2004). Years 5-10 girls, their mothers, carers, grandmothers and aunties are invited to celebrate the achievements of women, past, present and future. Old scholars are also warmly invited.

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Kinder teachers and kinder animals

​Our three Kinder Classrooms have been named after three native animals for 2019. We have been authorised to use the actual palawa kani names. palawa kani is the language of the Tasmanian Aborigines. We believe this will signify the growth and acceptance of palawa kani in Tasmania, affirm the role language plays in sustaining culture, and celebrate one of the world's oldest cultures.

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URSTRONG Parent/Child Workshop announced

Dana Kerford is a teacher, "Friendship Expert" and the founder of internationally-recognised friendship programs, GirlPower and GoodGuys from URSTRONG. In Term 1 2019 Dominic College parents have the chance to experience one of Dana's workshops on friendships, at Dominic College for a reduced cost of $20 for each participant, (minimum $40 for one parent and child).

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Old scholars celebrate Christmas Eve in the Chapel

​Christmas Eve carols and Mass were joyfully celebrated in the Dominic College Chapel by a large group of old scholars and friends of Dominic College. The evening was hosted by the inimitable Mr Tony Webb and the Carols and hymns were harmonically projected by the St John's Parish choir and musicians, a large proportion of whom were old scholars or married to them.

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