School reunions are a fantastic way to catch up with your old classmates and teachers to find out what your school colleagues have been doing since graduation. Dominic College actively supports the organisation of school reunions and encourages anyone planning a reunion to contact our Old Scholar Coordinator.
The College will assist where possible in providing organisers with the details of past students and teachers to initiate contact. We request that any changes to the contact details of past students and teachers that are found by the organising committee, be passed on to the College to update our database and assist with future events.
The College is also happy to help with the promotion of the event through our school newsletter, Facebook and via the College website so please ensure details are passed on as early in the planning process as possible.
Facebook groups and events are usually associated with these activities and the organisers will let you know or you can search up the entries.
Are you from the Year 10 classes of 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005 or 2015? Email and we'll stay in touch. We'll be adding information here for each reunion as the year groups get organised!
Class of 2015
The Year 10 Class of 2015 already have their Facebook group going: Dominic College Class of 2015. Comment and suggest and we'll get something scheduled in the next few months for next year.
Class of 1995
First cab off the rank is the Class of 1995 with the super-organised Emily Wilkins has set up 25 November 2025 already.
The original reunion Facebook group was set up for the 20 years reunion in 2015 and is still active, Dominic Reunion Class of 95, at
But there's now a new page for the reunion in 2025 run by a couple of administrators. So join this one now please: Dominic College Reunion 2025 - Class of '95 -
Are you from the Year 10 classes of 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004 or 2014? Email and we'll stay in touch. We'll be adding information here for each reunion as the year groups get organised!
Class of 2014
The Class of 2014 held its first 10-years reunion on 30 November 2024, starting at Dominic College at 4pm for a catch-up and tour and then heading into town.
The afternoon was enjoyed by all - one of Mr Williams fabulous farewell videos was set up to play in Siena 4 and a good crowd came along. The group enjoyed visiting Siena, Guzman, Savio and Bosco classrooms, as well as the Chapel, Rat Hole and Little Theatre and plenty of memories shared. They'll definitely be back in ten years, or sooner.
A Facebook group was set up: Dominic College Year 10 Class of 2014 at so you can join or email to let us know your email and contact details.
Class of 2004
The Class of 2004 had a successful reunion on Saturday 16 November, starting at 4pm at Dominic College for a welcome and a tour, then moving on to an evening location for dinner and drinks. Nikki Zonno set up a Facebook group - Class of 2004 Dominic College 20-year Reunion and old scholars enjoyed the occasion.
Class of 1994
The Class of 1994 has a reunion Facebook group and the old scholars had a very successful celebration on Saturday 9 November at Jack Greene's in Salamanca from 6pm for their 30-years reunion.
Go to Dominic College 1994 Year 10 at for news and updates and the ticket link was:
Class of 1984
The Class of 1984 has had its own Facebook group for over 10 years now and Joscelyn Helmich is sorting out the big 40th reunion this year. The group has decided on Saturday 3 January 2025 and there are interstaters flying in for Christmas and the reunion. The group is updating details on the Reunion page: Dominic College Yr 10 1984 at so you can join or email to let us know your email and contact details.
Booking has been made for 15 at 2pm Friday 3rd January at Fox Friday in Murray Street. "If there is anyone else that would like to join us please let me know and I will adjust booking," said Joscelyn. "Looking forward to seeing you all then!"
Class of 1974
The Class of 1974 has set up its own Facebook group and is inviting people to join so we can celebrate our 50th anniversary later this year: Dominic College Year 10 Class of 1974 or email to stay in touch.
Savio College
THE GRAND SAVIO COLLEGE REUNION was a great success on the weekend of 18-20 October 2024 with events for exiting Savio students between 1947-1972 inclusive. The Savio Reunion Planning Group included Geoffrey Abel, Denis Bergman, John Stefankowski, Tony Webb and Paul Williams.
To be placed on the email CONTACT LIST for future events, please advise Tony Webb at who will confirm your listing and send UPDATES as they occur.
You can see photos here: Savio Reunion
Class of 1973
The Class of 1973 held a 50-years reunion last year. A Facebook group was created: Dominic College Class of 1973 - join to stay in touch. Email for news. Anne Loring and Tom Jarvis booked in Saturday 14 October for a Progressive Reunion! It started at 2pm in The White House for welcome and refreshments and a Savio tour. Then it is down to GYC for a St John's and Holy Name tour, before a dinner out in the evening. Contact Tom on for more.
Class of 1983
The Class of 1983 got organised too. A Facebook group is still around: Dominic College Yr.10 1983 - stay in touch or email for news. We held a reunion on Saturday 28 October and will meet at school in the afternoon for a catch up and tour first before going out together afterwards. Leesa O'Keefe is helping to coordinate:
Class of 1993
The Class of 1993 were all organised for a 30 years reunion last year. There was a Facebook group in place to stay in touch: Dominic College Year 10 Class of 1993. The group decided on a catch-up at the Republic beer garden at 2pm on Saturday 2 September 2023. A good group had a lot of fun!
Class of 1998
Simon Walker from the Class of 1998 organised a 25-year anniversary catch up in a ticketed event at the Franklin Wharf Hotel on Saturday 25 November BUT ticket sales did NOT reach minimum requirements so refunds are underway. Their Facebook class group: Dominic College Class of 1998. There was a very enjoyable alternative event for the same weekend at the Republic in North Hobart.
Class of 2003
The Class of 2003 20-ywar reunion WAS locked in for Saturday 8 July BUT was postponed till late in the year and they still haven't organised anything yet. Join or comment or stay in touch on the 2003 Facebook group: Dominic College Class of 2003.
Class of 2013
The Class of 2013 conducted a terrific reunion on Saturday 5 August 2023, meeting at school, upstairs in the White House at 3pm for some refreshments and a walk around the school. Old scholars enjoyed the catch-up and were grateful to the College and Principal for facilitating the event. You can see some photos on the gallery: Class of 2013. A Facebook group is still set up for future events or just to stay in touch: Dominic Year 10 Class of 2013.
Are you from the Year 10 classes of 1972, 1982, 1992, 2002 or 2012? Email and we'll stay in touch. We'll be adding information here for each reunion as the year groups get organised!
Class of 1971
We had a very successful 51 years reunion on Saturday 9 April 2022. You can stay in touch on the Facebook group: "Dominic College 1971 Year 10" There are links from there to photos.
Contacts: Diane Cerritelli and Greg Breen
Class of 1972
A Facebook group was set up to register and organise for the 50th anniversary reunion in 2022 "Dominic College 1972 Year 10 (Savio College/Holy Name)" at
Following a great response the reunion was held at Dominic College 2pm Saturday 1 October 2022 and the after party was at Hadley's.
You can read a little here: 1972 reunion report and see more photos on the web gallery: 1972 reunion photos.
Cathy Parr from the Class of 1972, regularly organises dinners for the Holy Name Year 10 Class of 1972. Contact her on for details.
Class of 1982
The reunion was very successful! Held 2pm Saturday 5 November 2022.
You can stay in touch with other members of the group "Dominic College Year 10 1982" Facebook group
See you in ten years!
Class of 1992
"Dominic College Year 10 1992" Facebook group is set up and ready for you to join and comment on how to go about setting up a reunion! The group didn't get to a reunion in 2022 - perhaps they can do a 31st anniversary one in 2023?
Class of 2002
"Dominic College Year 10 2002" Facebook group is set up:
The reunion was held Saturday 3 December 2022 at Dominic College. You can see some photos at our gallery: 2002 Reunion.
Class of 2012
The 2012 class Facebook page is: Dominic College Year 10 2012
The reunion was held on Saturday 22 October 2022. You can read a little on our news report 2012 10 years reunion and see more photos on the link on that page.
Are you from the Year 10 classes of 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001 or 2011? Email and we'll stay in touch. We'll be adding information here for each reunion as the year groups get organised! See below:
1970 50-years reunion
Beth Harvey from Holy Name and some friends had planned a reunion at Dominic College on in October 2020 and then on-again off-again as COVID difficulties kept interfering. But it's definitely on now on soon: 2pm Saturday 9 October 2021, upstairs in The White House at Dominic College. Contact Beth on or Leanne at or email
Class of 1971
50-years reunion of the Year 10 Class of 1971
Saturday 16 October 2021, 2pm upstairs in The White House, Dominic College
Facebook group: "Dominic College 1971 Year 10"
Contacts: Diane Cerritelli and Greg Breen
Class of 1981
40-years reunion of the Year 10 Class of 1981
Saturday 2 October 2021, 2pm upstairs in The White House, Dominic College
Facebook group: "Dominic College Grade 10 1981"
Contacts: Maxine Downey-Smith (nee Gore), Michele Guy (Cleary) and Jenny Jeffries (Howard)
Class of 1991
30-years reunion of the Year 10 Class of 1991
Saturday 6 November 2pm upstairs in The White House, Dominic College
Facebook group: "Dominic College - Class of 1991"
Contact: Mark Williams
Class of 2001
20-years reunion of the Year 10 Class of 2001
Saturday 20 November 2021 2pm upstairs in The White House, Dominic College
Facebook group: "Dominic College 2001 Year 10"
Contacts: Aaron Wojcik and Nat Downton (Aulich)
Class of 2011
The 10-years reunion of the Year 10 Class of 2011 was very successfully held on Saturday 24 July 2021 from 2pm upstairs in The White House, Dominic College. You can see photos from the reunion here: Class of 2011 Reunion gallery
The Facebook group is "Dominic College 2011 Year 10" - please join us for a 20-years reunion in 2031!
With the pandemic restrictions since March, we had to put many of our plans on hold. The below contacts are still accurate but the previously booked dates have been changed. We did manage a numbe rof reunions, with some smaller numbers.
1970 50-years reunion
Beth Harvey from Holy Name and some friends had planned a reunion at Dominic College on in October 2020 but the group will reassess in the new year to see when they can meet. You can get in touch with her on or email
1980 40-years reunion
The 40-years anniversary of the Year 10 Class of 1980 was held at Dominic College on Saturday 28 November.
You can see photos here: 1980 reunion. Shani Goodluck did a great job in engaging with some enthusiasm a feisty bunch from 1980, including the nicest police commissioner on the roll, Tony Cerritelli. Of extra credit for this reunion was the attendance of two old teachers, Mr Chris Hatch (from the 1980s and 1990s) and Mr Patrick Naughtin (1970s and 1980s).The group enjoyed a long catch up in the Basil Fox Room, with some champagne, beer and photos. Thank you to Mr Tony Webb and Ms Gilligan for helping to host, and thence Ms Gilligan gave all a tour of the school, beginning with the new facilities such as the Savio Centre, the new Creative Arts hubs of The Oratory Space and Fra Angelica as well as the old classrooms such as the Little Theatre and the Rathole (Rua Hub).
You can join the Facebook group: Dominic College 1980 Year 10 to get ready for the reunion in ten years time (or earlier?)
1990 30-years reunion The 30-years reunion of the Year 10 Class of 1990 was held at Dominic College on 5 December 2020. You can see photos here: 1990 Reunion. A very enthusiastic group of old scholars gathered in the Basil Fox Room upstairs at Grantleigh and as they greeted and caught up the noise was huge! Just like the old days! Finger food, drinks and photos encouraged the memories. Mr Tony Webb, their old primary school principal was present to welcome them. Mr Paul Williams, who had these students in 9 Orange in 1989 at the Middle School, came along and described them as one of the best classes he ever had at Dominic College.Karen Westell did a great job of getting old scholars along and also organised the after party at the Maypole. Many of the ex-students had not been back at school for over 20 years - the last reunion was in 1996. But also there were some old scholars who were past or current parents and they were able to bring some connection to the old and new parts of the school during the tour led by Principal Ms Beth Gilligan. These old scholars were respectful, interested and had a lot of fun - congratulations Class of 1990! You can jstill oin the facebook group: Dominic College 1990 Year 10.
2000 20-years reunion
After a couple of postponements we held a successful reunion upstairs in the White House from 3pm Saturday 23 January 2021 for a 20-years reunion.
Missed out but want to stay in touch with classmates? The Facebook group is set up and lots of old scholars have joined: Dominic College Year 10 2000
You can see photos from the reunion here: 2000 Reunion.
2010 10-years reunion
The College successfully hosted its first reunion of the year on Saturday 31 October 2020. We hope this signals a return to more normal and on-going connections of old scholars after what has been a difficult year for the community! The reunion had been postponed several times since Term 2 and 3 but still our interstate classmates could not make it. Nevertheless, a nice group of locals enjoyed refreshments upstairs at Grantleigh and some photos and school magazines, before a tour of the new facilities and the old classrooms. See photos on our gallery: 2010 reunion. You can still join the Facebook group at Year 10 of 2010 reunion.
Email if you have any questions.
The reunion program for 2019 has concluded. We would love to see you at the Dominic College Old Scholars Christmas Eve carols and Mass in the Dominic College Chapel starting at 9.30pm 24 December.
1979 40-years reunion Year 10 1979 are doing the double-trouble afternoon and evening on 2 November 2019. First the old scholars group is meeting upstairs in the "White House" at Dominic College for nibbles and drinks supplied by the College where they can catch up and see some memorabilia and then getting the tour of Dominic, including the old classrooms and old haunts... Then at 6pm they are assembling at the Queens Head, 400 Elizabeth Street, North Hobart, where partners are optional, for drinks and food. Contact Jenny Cleary: or 0422 137 189.
1999 20-years reunion Daniel Price & Kimberley Carrodus (nee Sale) are the lovely organisers and they are getting ready for 3pm 2 November at Dominic College, with parking up near the Chapel and drinks and nibbles in the playground. Later on then they'll be going to Boodle Beasley in North Hobart for dinner and drinks. You can email Kimberley at
1989 30-years reunion Thanks to Rachel Grgurevic and her helpers, plans are now finalised for the Year 10 Class of 1989 reunion on 9 November 2019 which will not be at Dominic College. The group kicks off at 5pm at Irish Murphy's in Salamanca, 21 Salamanca Place. You will need to pay $10 to cover canapes by 5 November into the following bank account:
Baldwin J BSB 017318 ACC 471970045 with your name/maiden name as a reference.
Drinks are for purchase at the bar. Rachel says they are all keen to have a great night! Any questions you can email her on or Facebook her.
1969 Holy Name Reunion Old scholars from the Holy Name Year 10 1969 enjoyed their 50th anniversary reunion, held from 3pm Saturday 3 August at the Black Buffalo, Federal Street, North Hobart. Rosalie Allen and Cath Clements did a great job contacting people and getting a very extensive group there.
2009 10-year reunion: Saturday 30 March 2019 The Class of 2009 enjoyed a ten-years reunion on Saturday 30 March 2019. Over 30 old scholars 2009 met upstairs at Grantleigh in the Basil Fox Room, for nibbles and refreshments. Amidst the catching up and hugs, there was some chat about what the College was like ten years ago with lots interest about the good times. College Principal, Beth Gilligan, was there and remembered most of these students as 2009 was her first year at Dominic College.
Chief organiser, Ellen O'Garey, did a great job organising the students to come along and there was an excellent turn-out of enthusiastic ex-students. Students were heading into North Hobart's entertainment strip for a long night of celebrations afterwards! You can see photos from the school reunion on our gallery: Contact so that we can stay in touch! You can join the Facebook group: Class of 2009 DC
1968 50-year reunion 24 November 2018 This reunion of Savio College and Holy Name co-ed classes is confirmed and is being held at a pub. Hmmm, sounds familiar! Contact Maryanne Jackson (nee Delany)
2008 10-year reunion: Saturday 13 October 2018 This reunion has been held and was very successful. There's a story on our news here: 2008 Reunion. You can see photos on our gallery here:2008 Reunion. Email Sam on to stay in touch for the next one!
1988 30-year reunion 18 August 2018 Dominic College hosted a great reunion of the Class of 1988 last Saturday. Over 30 attended their 30th anniversary, and enjoyed a catch-up some old photos and a tour of the College as it is now, before meeting in the evening at the Italian Club for some partying.
The old scholars were amazed with the many new buildings and impressed by the modern educational facilities. They shared some funny stories, and no doubt more tall tales came out later that evening! You can see photos here: 1988 Class Reunion at Dominic College. Thanks to Luisa Cavarretta (nee Frediani) for her organisation of the events.
1998 20-year reunion Saturday 27 October 2018 To join the group search for "Dominic College Class Of 1998" or follow this link: 1998 Reunion. Email Matt on The 1998 group, led by Mr Matt Taylor, enjoyed their first reunion back at Dominic College, with lunch in Siena 5 and a tour of the school. With the stormy weather they appreciated the more extensive shelter now available and the cosi-ness of the student common areas! Many from this reunion travelled from interstate including three ex-students from Western Australia! The group also visited the 14th Station of the Cross in our Chapel which they raised money to dedicate. Well done Class of 1998!
You can see photos on our gallery: 1998 reunion gallery.
1978 40-year reunion Saturday 27 October 2018 What a great group this class is! Main contact is Cathy Minnucci (nee Ross) on They have produced a flyer with some information: 1978 Reunion flyer. The Class of 1978, led by Mrs Cathy Minnucci (nee Free) included many good friends who had the occasional get-together, and this was their third or fourth reunion at the College over the last 40 years! When they were here at the Middle School at Tolosa Street, not even the “Electives Block” had been built: classrooms were just the Boys’ Town Building and the classrooms around the upper courts. You can see some photos on our gallery: 1978 reunion.
Thank you to Principal Beth Gilligan for the informative tours and to DOSA President, Mr Tony Webb, for his welcome and ready assistance. They enjoyed Saturday night festivities in town being joined by more old scholars who couldn’t make the afternoon sessions.
Mariel Butterworth organised the 10 years reunion for the Class of 2007 and the group celebrated 14 October. If you missed out contact her on and to let the school know your contact details: email
You can see some photos here: 2007 reunion.
The Class of 1987 celebrated their 30th anniversary in style in the midst of black fashion week (aka Dark Mofo) at T42 on Saturday night, 17 June 2017. Chief organiser Jason Rice said it was a great night catching up with everyone again.
‘We had around 35 there. Quite a few who couldn’t make the 25th reunion ten years ago. Some even managed to stay out until 3am. Not bad for a bunch of 45 and 46 year olds. Good on you Jason and classmates!
Congratulations to the Year 10 Class of 1977 for hosting a very warm and success reunion on Saturday 9 September.
Upstairs at Grantleigh was the scene for about 40 ex-students, with lots of hugs and a fair bit of double checking of people's identities, as it was up to 40 years since seeing each other!
The class generously brought along extra food and drinks, adding to the refreshments the College provided - including pies, sausage rolls and tomato sauce, in honour of their lunchtimes!
The organisers, Mandy Taylor and Louise Shaddock (nee Bratt) did a great job in coordinating the event, and many students flew in from interstate, including Julie Kelly and Steve Hyland from Victoria, Phillip McDermott from NSW, Sharon Wilson and Cathryn Geraghty from Queensland.
Julie Kelly had actually left in Year 8, while Mark and Chris Kolodziej hadn't started at Dominic till senior school (as boarders) so there were even some classmates who hadn't met - no wonder they didn't recognise each other!
The attendance of old teachers, Fr Lawrie Moate, Fr Nick Castelyns, Mrs Bobby Court and Mr Michael Woolford was also very much appreciated as was the attendance and assistance rendered by Mr Tony Webb on the serving table.
There were many laughs, and a sincere appreciation of school spirit - the tour of the school led by our Principal, Beth Gilligan, certainly impressed the old scholars with how far developments at the school have modernised the facilities for the benefit of students today. You can see more photos on the we gallery: 1977 reunion.
We've had a few expressions of interest from the Class of 1997. Kath McCann was looking to organise an event page and checking with people about what they wanted to do. Is there anyone else keen? Email to get in touch.
Are you interested in a future reunion? We'd love to hear from you. Email
In July 2016 we hosted a reunion for the 40 years anniversary of the Class of 1976 at Dominic College. You can see some photos from the afternoon drinks and the College tour here: 1976 reunion. Thank you to Nick Webb for helping to organise and for also organising the event in Salamanca in the evening.
Recently we had the Class of 2006 reunion, organised by Anthony Coster and Vanessa Hoddy. We had a nice tour of the school with refreshments to kick off proceedings. You can see photos here: 2006 reunion tour.
Year 10 Class of 1986 - Saturday 29 October 2016
Contact Leesa Baker -
2pm Dominic College - refreshments and tour
7pm The Tug Bar, T42, Elizabeth Street Pier
Photos are on our gallery here: 1986 reunion.
Year 10 Class of 1996 - Saturday 19 November 2016
Contact Claire Ferri on
3pm Dominic College - refreshments and tour
6pm Post Street Social 11-13 Franklin Wharf
You can see photos here: 1996 reunion.
The following old scholars organised their class reunions in 2015
These were all very enjoyable occasions. You can contact them to join their Facebook groups or make sure you can come to their next get together in five or ten years!
Past Reunions