Community Events

Apple for the teacher visit

7HOFM are on the hunt for Southern Tasmania’s favourite Primary School Teacher. On Tuesday 21 August Dominic College welcomed local radio talent Mick and Matt into classrooms of College teachers who have been nominated for 'Apple for the Teacher.' Dominic College has seven of our K-6 teachers who have been nominated in the competition. The winning teacher receives an Apple Mac computer, with every student in their class taking home an Apple iPad.

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Class of 1988 reunion

Dominic College hosted a great reunion of the Class of 1988 last Saturday. Over 30 attended their 30th anniversary, and enjoyed a catch-up some old photos and a tour of the College as it is now, before meeting in the evening at the Italian Club for some partying.

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Much Ado about a piano

​Play Me, I’m yours​ is an artwork by British artwork, Luke Jerram. Located in streets, public parks and train stations, the pianos are available for everyone to play and enjoy. We are including a specially decorated piano as part of the set for our production of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.

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Leadership Awards to Dominic College staff

At a function at the University of Tasmania this week, our Coordinator of 7-10 English, Mrs Jan Marcenko and our Coordinator of 7-10 Humanities, Mr Ben Fulton, both received 2018 Australian Council for Educational Leadership Tasmania (ACEL TAS) Awards for Excellence.

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Science Fair news

Year 10 students, Sarah Hawkins and Mikaela Cruz, and Dominic College Director of Science K-10, Ms Jane Myers, attended Government House on Wednesday evening for a reception hosted by His Excellency the Honourable Justice Alan Blow, OAM, Lieutenant-Governor, and Mrs Margaret Blow. This event was to mark National Science Week in Southern Tasmania.

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K-6 Parent Workshop - Numeracy Night

After the success of last year’s combined K–6 evening, we again joined together so parents could access information from across the grade levels. Presenting as a K-6 staff allowed parents to see where their children are coming from and where they are going to.

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Dominic College Science Fair 2018

On Wednesday 15 August 1.45pm – 6.30pm, in conjunction with National Science Week, we will be holding the inaugural Dominic College Science Fair. College students from Kindergarten to Year 10 will be showcasing their learning through displays, demonstrations and interactive experiences. This opportunity has allowed students to present, create, make or research in an area or passion of their choice.

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Blades of glory

Year 10 students, ​Promise Mudzingwa and Oliver Wareing, began learning their stage swordmanship with old scholar and well-known actor, Mr Andrew Casey, last week. Mr Casey said that the swords he has allowed the players to borrow have featured in many bloody fights in a variety of theaters and plays.

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3-6 Theatresports on Feast Day

On Feast Day last week, Years 3–6 finished the day with the exciting conclusion of our annual Theatresports competitions, with great energy and a wonderful display of House Spirit. There were signs and incredible costumes. The event began with a House cheering competition and straight away it was clear that each House had come to battle for the title.

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Dominican Feast Day 2018

On Wednesday our students and staff celebrated the Dominic Feast Day commemorating our Dominican patron saints St Catherine of Siena and St Dominic Guzman. The College was bustling with activities starting with buddy activities in K-6 and the Amazing Race in 7-10. We then all gathered in the Savio to celebrate Mass as a community, followed by a delicious lunch comprising of freshly made salad rolls and a lolly pop.

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