P&F President reports

We have had a very busy month since our last meeting with some of our most popular events being very well supported.

Our Mother’s Day Stall was held on Wednesday 9 May and the students had a great time picking out beautiful and special gifts for the women in their lives. We had an amazing selection of gifts available to choose from and we had many students and staff buy more than one item for their families. I would like to thank all P&F members who gave up their valuable time to become personal shoppers for the day and who helped raise $594.03.

A massive thank you to all P&F members and staff who volunteered their time at the K-6 Splash of Colour Disco held on Friday 18 May. It was a fabulous fun-filled night that went very smoothly even though we had to change venues at the last minute.

Thank you to all parents and carers who supported this event by allowing their children to dress in bright bold colours and to spend up big in the tuckshops - students had an absolute ball purchasing their glow items and they all looked fabulous.

Thank you also to Tom Atkinson and Thomas Alloca, our DJs at both discos - your music choices were excellent and age appropriate for both groups and you were both very professional and accommodating towards the students.

We sold nearly half the tickets in the four days before the event which is absolutely amazing and the event made a profit of $1607.79.

In the past two meetings we have had a ‘Getting to know you’ presentation from both Deputy Principal Steve Casni and K-10 Faith and Mission Director Alicia McMahon who gave us an insight into their backgrounds, interests and teaching experience. It has been great to meet new staff members for this year and to share our experiences with them like they have done with us.

In our March meeting, The P&F agreed to help fund the purchase of our own set of Taiko Drums as part of our Japanese program and I am pleased to say that some of the drums have already arrived much to the delight of both Belinda Kumashiro and Susie Allan who could not resist an impromptu performance after school. They sounded fantastic and we can’t wait till the rest of the set arrive later in the year.

Next month we have our Director of Teaching and Learning K-10, Selina Kinne coming along to our meeting to discuss the Homework Policy and we will also discussing upcoming events such as PJ Day, Walkathon and the Community Fair

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 20 June and all parents are most welcome to come along.

Mrs Nicola Rayner, President - P&F Community