Teaching & Learning

Commendation of students: Diamond Awards

At our 7-10 Assembly this week, 15 students were commended on receiving Diamond Awards for their Term 1 Expectations Reports. These students received the full 5/5 from all of their teachers for each aspect of their: Attitude towards Learning, Organisation in the Learning Environment, Contribution to the Learning Environment and Respect for the Learning Environment in every subject. Congratulations to our Term 1

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Murder in the laboratory!

Ms Gilligan writes: This week it was a pleasure to observe our Director of Science K-10, Ms Jane Mallay teach her Year 9/10 Science Extended students a hand-on Forensic Science lesson, and see our teaching and learning beliefs enacted in a highly engaging lesson on DNA. Students entered a cordoned off forensic zone to investigate the death of a person in the

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The biggest school Boot Camp session ever.

Over 500 students from Year 7 to 10, plus staff from all parts of the College and a group of Military Mumma personal trainers, combined in the Savio Centre for what must be Tasmania's biggest school indoor Boot Camp session ever today. Music, action, a series of tough exercise routines and a barrage of verbal encouragement - and commands - from star fitness gurus Kirri and Troy from Military Mumma had the gym quaking.

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7-10 assembly - 11 May

​Following the all school assembly to commemorate ANZAC Day, and the all school Mass to celebrate our Feast Day, today, Wednesday 11 May, was the first opportunity in Term 2 for 7-10 students to have their regular gathering. Knowing Mr Davey was keen to finish the assembly early to get Mr Golding's biggest in Tasmania school HPE Boot Camp session, there was a palpable mood of celebration and expectancy.

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Feast Day celebrations

On Wednesday 4 May the whole College celebrated the Feast Day for our Salesian Saints, St John Bosco and St Dominic Savio. Later in the year we again celebrate a different Feast Day, for our Dominican Saints, St Catherine of Siena and St Dominic Guzman. On this week's Feast Day, we celebrated as Don Bosco did - with quizzes and activities in the morning, then Mass, then a shared lunch, and an afternoon of games together.

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Mice and bears in the castle!

​Last term saw both Kinder groups blossom as young learners, developing in confidence as they began their journey at Dominic College. It has been wonderful to see our Kinder students back to school ready for their second term with so much excitement and energy! Our Kinder Classroom has transformed once again with numerous activities on offer to students to extend and enrich their learning. This term students will be focusing on a number of things such as 2D shapes, patterns, one-to-one correspondence, fine motor activities, fairytales and nursery rhymes, letter names and sounds, listening and talking to God and exploring the wonderful world of colours!

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Year 7-10 parent/teacher interviews

We have had a successful start to Term 2 this week. As we progress through the first half of the academic year it is important to connect with and gain feedback from our parents. Building strong relationships and communicating effectively with our parents is vital in ensuring that your child is being supported, nurtured and challenged at Dominic College. The parent/teacher interviews provide a forum for our families to engage with their child’s teachers and to discuss their progress, concerns and affirmations. Last night’s Year 7-10 parent/teacher interviews were very successful.

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Dominic College at the Derwent Festival

Fifteen Dominic College students ran the robots for visitors to our Dominic College Robotics tent at the Derwent Valley festival on Sunday 10 April. Director of Teaching and Learning, Mrs Selina Kinne, said the display was an extension of the activities undertaken by the Robotics Club at Dominic College, who meet weekly, and particpate in a number of competitions each year. "This was a valuable opportunity for students to demonstrate their learning and present a strong image of exciting and engaging learning opportunities at Dominic," Mrs Kinne explained.

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Junior Talking Heads triumph

Wednesday was an intense but exciting day for cast members of our inaugural performance project, Junior Talking Heads. At 10am, over 80 students and their teachers from Austins Ferry Primary School were the first audience. The visitors were very appreciative of the opportunity to experience live performance and were also treated to a potted workshop session afterwards, where Miss Brownrigg had all the audience up on stage, moving and improvising.

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Year 4 excursion to Bonorong

Last week, Year 4 students visited the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary to complement their studies in History, Geography and Science. Wildlife experts presented some fascinating information about the characteristics of Tasmanian native animals, including their habitat, behaviour and breeding cycles. The students and our generous adult helpers loved meeting cuddly wombats, growling Tasmanian devils and some very hungry forester kangaroos!

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