Community Events

Year 6 students say it their way

Year 6 students at Dominic College recently premiered their production of ‘Say It Loud!’ The annual show featured three original one act plays devised, scripted and presented by the students. Now in its fourth year at Dominic College, ‘Say It Loud!’ is the culmination of the College’s primary drama curriculum

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Say It Loud 2017

All three Year 6 classes have been busily preparing for the annual ‘Say it Loud’ performances on Tuesday 4 July. ‘Say it Loud’ is a playbuilding program unique to Dominic College. Over the course of 15 weeks Year 6 students create self-devised documentary drama. Documentary drama is theatre that wholly or in part uses pre-existing documentary material (such as newspapers, government reports, interviews, etc.) as source material to develop into a performance script, where possible, using verbatim material mixed with the interpretation of the student. Our Year

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Lily Newell Bennett - young writer

Old scholar, Lily Newell, Class of 2016, is one of six young writers who have participated in the inaugural Young Writers in the City of Glenorchy program. This writers-in-residence program is sponsored by the Tasmanian Writers Centre in partnership with the Glenorchy City Council and the Moonah Arts Centre. According to the TWC 'Six young writers-in-residence have each been commissioned to create experimental essays inspired by the various spaces and venues they have selected across Glenorchy.' Lily’s focus w

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Awards to Dominic College Leaders

Last week, the College received news that two of our College leaders, Mrs Janine O’Hea and Mr Mike O’Brien will be honoured by the Australian Council for Educational Leadership (ACEL TAS) for their work and achievements. ACEL awards recognise those leaders in our state and across the country who have made a significant contribution to the understanding and practice of educational leadership. The Australian Council for Educational Leade

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Jonny Shannon speaks

The Dominic College EMPOWER and Pastoral Care Team is excited to announce that Jonny Shannon will be presenting to our students on Tuesday 27 June. Jonny is one of the most sought after presenters in the Southern Hemisphere. He has completed 2200 presentations to over 370 schools, across Australia, New Zealand and USA on mental health, positive well-being and social media issues for young people.

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K-6 assembly 14 June

What a great start to the assembly we had with Ms Attuoni's Year 2 class beautifully conducted the opening prayer.​ After the National Anthem, Mrs Kinne reminded everyone to work hard and keep trying to do better with their education. She was very proud of how much improvement was shown by students each term. Solomon and Andrea talked about Refugee W

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Soiree, a special occasion

​What a great night on Thursday night, 25 May with our music students! Two choirs, a rock band, ten individual solos and a duet. The Oratory Space has never hosted a finer set of Disney songs! For a significant number of students this wa

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Debating round at Dominic

​On Wednesday evening 24 May Dominic College hosted the Tasmanian Debating competition roster, facilitated by the Tasmanian Debating Union. Students from across 15 High Schools and Colleges participated. The sheer number of participants created a very studious atmosphere in the preparation sessions and then a great contest in the actual debates.

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MUNA stands for ​Model United Nations Assembly. Last weekend six Dominic College Year 10 students, Annalise Ball, Kalia Combs, Nicki Stanton, Jacob Percy, Julia Narracott and Eric Glover joined 44 other Year 10 students from across the state to compete in the annual Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA). MUNA is organised and sponsored by Rotary clubs throughout Tasmania and pits teams of like-minded Year 10 students aga

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Launch into Learning program success

​Launch into Learning continues to be a great success. We have two sessions running each Tuesday. Misty Morning session from 9.30am-11.00am and Apple Afternoons from 1.30pm-3.00pm. Each week our very talented and creative Kinder teacher, Mrs Linda Douglas, leads the group in activities that are fun and engaging but also encourage the development of fine motor skills and early literacy and numeracy.

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