Early Years Maths workshop for parents

Early Years Maths Workshop
Over 50 families attended the Early Years Maths Workshop on Wednesday night.

What a great response! The workshop was divided into two parts with the focus of each being Maths in our everyday lives, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. Each part of the workshop focused on the language of Mathematics and strategies commonly used in our classrooms to introduce each of the operations.

Each operation was introduced, strategies explained and then reinforced using games played in our classrooms. Games always bring out the competitive side of everyone and it was great to see many of the parents resorting to strategic moves to ensure they were winners at the end.

Many parents also commented on the value of the night and were pleased to be able to take their resource pack home to try the activities with their children. A huge thank you to our Kindergarten to Year 2 teachers for their presentations at the workshop and collating the materials for the resource packs