
Ms Venettacci, have a nice Immersion!

​This weekend our Prep teacher, Miss Christina Venettacci, will be travelling to Samoa to be with our Salesian family there. Christina will be part of a Salesian immersion and formation/animation experience called the Cagliero Program, that our Province runs. This is a wonderful professional learning and service opportunity the College offers to one of its teachers.

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K-10 assembly 22 June

On Wednesday this week, we held our Kindergarten–Year 10 Assembly for the term. The assembly saw us change our configuration of seating and we were all pleased to see our patron saint banners, gifts of the Class of 2015, hanging for the first time. Highlights of the assembly included our College Captains’ speeches on grit and goal achievement. Meg Parkinson and Jacob Davidson spoke eloquently about the importance of goal setting and learning from failure and perseverance.

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Year 7 and Year 8 retreats

Last Thursday and Friday, Years 7 and 8 enjoyed a retreat day at Montrose Bay. The focus was on resilience, self-knowledge and authenticity, making good choices, and being a ‘maybe, just maybe’ person – someone who is brave enough to step out of their comfort zone and rise to new challenges. Students considered the importance of taking time away from everyday business to reflect on the deeper life issues that concern every person.

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International Women's Day donation

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Rector's message

I love the great feasts of the Ascension, Pentecost and Trinity our Church celebrates at the end of Easter. They are all rich in meaning and so relevant to our Christian life. The Ascension celebrates Jesus return to his Father and the commissioning of the disciples to continue his work on Earth. We find in the Acts of the Apostles these words: Why are you men from Galilee standing there looking up into the sky? ​

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OzBosco 2016

​Six years in a row and OzBosco continues to amaze me. Every year over 200 young people gather together to celebrate the life of Saint John Bosco and the legacy he left for us. In an atmosphere alive with music, dancing, games, passion, love and joy it is easy to see Don Bosco living in each and every one of us at OzBosco.

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Feast Day celebrations

On Wednesday 4 May the whole College celebrated the Feast Day for our Salesian Saints, St John Bosco and St Dominic Savio. Later in the year we again celebrate a different Feast Day, for our Dominican Saints, St Catherine of Siena and St Dominic Guzman. On this week's Feast Day, we celebrated as Don Bosco did - with quizzes and activities in the morning, then Mass, then a shared lunch, and an afternoon of games together.

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College gathers for ANZAC service

​Our ANZAC Day service followed after ANZAC Day this year as the public holiday fell in the school holidays. We made our assembly a whole school assembly on Wednesday and both kindergarten classes were then able to join the rest of the school for the commemoration. Our Catafalque Party, made up of serving members of the Cadets, is always a memorable ingredient and important as a sign of respect to those who have given their lives in defence of the nation. We thank them for their participation.

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Reflections from the Rector

As we approach Palm Sunday this week and Good Friday next week we can’t really evade the notion of suffering. It is real, it is evident, it has been a part of the human story for such a long time. Let us be perfectly clear about the suffering and death of Jesus. He was no masochist. He didn’t look for suffering but it nevertheless came his way. He did things differently. He aroused suspicion. He spoke of God as his Father. He healed on the Sabbath. He reinterpreted the Mosaic tradition. He upset religious authorities. He stood for the truth. He seemingly blasphemed. He aroused jealousy.

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Inspiring event for Women's Day

Nearly 200 girls, their mothers and grandparents, teachers, old scholars and community leaders, joined hands at Dominic College, to help the women of the world on International Women's Day, Tuesday 8 March. The Dominic College International Women's Day breakfast has become an annual highlight for the community, and the numbers and spirit at the breakfast were both outstanding.

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