Teaching & Learning

Oli and Polly

Oli and Polly are the two sheep for whom I am responsible, with the help of Ms Myers. They are fun and lively sheep, always looking for food. If they ever escape their paddock they run straight into the green shed because they

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Book Week 2017

Book Week is one of the most exciting events on the calendar for K-6 students at Dominic! The annual parade allows students to come to school dressed as a character from their favourite book, an Australian author or dress to the Book Week theme, this year being ‘Escape to Everywhere.’

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Academic Pathways and Elective Choices

Students in Years 7, 8 and 9, together with their parents/guardians are invited to attend the Academic Pathways evening session from 6.30pm-8pm this Wednesday 23 August to be held in the Savio Centre. Teachers will be available to provide assistance and advice with elective subject choices for 2018. The evening will begin with a brief introduction and an information session with advice about choosing electives

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Science Week and Festival of Bright Ideas

On last Friday and Saturday, our Year 9 and 10 students, together with our Director of Science K-10 Ms Jane Myers, and Physical Science teacher, Mr Brad Parkin participated in the state’s Festival of Bright Ideas at Princes’ Wharf. This was a wonderful

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Dominic at the Festival of Bright Ideas

Dominic College has two stalls at the Festival of Bright Ideas, thanks to the hard work of Ms Jane Myers and Mr Brad Parkin. The first day was Friday 11 August, a schools only day. Students were busy entertaining and educating visiting groups of students from all over Hobart, public, independent and Catholic.

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Feast Day for our Dominican Patron Saints

​On Wednesday, we celebrated our Dominican Feast Day with great gusto. Our Feast Day aims to affirm the meaning the lives of our Patrons, St Dominic Guzman and St Catherine of Siena continue to hold for us today. Both these saints were exemplary servants of the Church and people of great faith, undertaking courageous wo

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Bell Shakespeare at Dominic College

Last Friday it was great to join Year 9 English students for a presentation by the Bell Shakespeare called ‘Shakespeare is Dead.’ The three-member company visiting Hobart explored with us why Shakespeare’s plays are still being performed 400 years after his death. It was a fabulous and interactive journey staged in our Oratory Sp

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Debudding the kids

At 2.30am on Friday 14 July, our Australian Miniature goat Gretel gave birth to two little boys - we have named them Alfie and Archie. Part of owning a pet goat is the big question of whether to de-bud your goat or not. Although many people have mixed opinions on the topic, it’s important to understand the process. De-budding is the process of removing and preventing the growth of animal horns.

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Food, glorious food

Individual choice cooking lessons are always popular in both Food Studies and Advanced Food classes. It is amazing to see what people create when given the freedom to choose. Students select or adapt recipes to meet certain requirements. In Food Studies, students have compl

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Sparky and Melody

In my Animal Husbandry elective, we have been able to work and help two new rescue Miniature Ponies. Melody has a white coat and her foal Sparky has a very fluffy black coat. Ms Myers found them in a paddock on their own which didn’t have much grass for them to eat so she approached the owners and asked if we could work with the two of them.

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