Teaching & Learning

World Read Aloud Day celebrated

This year World Read Aloud Day grew even bigger at Dominic College. Older students joined their younger schoolmates to enjoy short stories, picture books and other engaging texts. Not only was it a wonderful opportunity to interact with fellow students from different year levels, but it also allowed the younger students to showcase their reading abilities and share a mutual love of books. As the name suggests, World Read Aloud Day is indeed a worldwide event with millions of people in over one hundr

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Dominic students in UTAS science group

​From 23 to 25 January, Dominic College students, Megan Brennan, Breanna Brennan, Shiona Kondo, and I participated in the UTAS Science Experience. The annual UTAS Science Experience is aimed at Year 10 students, especially those interested in a science-related career. We were allocated activities on which to to work, each being a small taster of what a university course includes. The experience showed us th

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College staff welcome new members at Mass

After a 3-day induction last week, new staff were welcomed and made their commitment to the students of the College at ou staff Mass on Monday 30 January. All staff returned to work on Monday for three days of preparation, organisation and friendship, as the College gets ready to welcome back Prep to Year 10 students on Thursday 2 February. During this time sta

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The special K-6 Meet and Greet afternoon is on this week

​K-6 Meet and Greet is on Tuesday 31 January from 4pm-6pm. The K-6 Meet and Greet is for all K-6 students and their parents - you are welcome to visit your child's classroom and talk to their teacher for 2017. Parents and students should go straight to their child's classroom on Tuesday afternoon. The idea is for stu

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Japanese Festival in Hobart

Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu! Wishing you and your families a happy and healthy year for 2017, the Year of the Rooster. Susie Allan (Aran sensei) and I are very excited about the year ahead and sharing our passion and knowledge about Japan and Japanese with students from Kindergarten through to Year 10.

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Don't be a "Summer Slider"!

How can you prevent this ‘summer slide’ happening to your child? A good starting point is the End of Year Report you received. In the report emailed this week you will have seen the Strategies for Improvement. This is important information that contains suggestions from your child’s teacher on ways you can help your child this Summer. These strategies were provided to help maintain your child’s current learning level or provide re

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Leaders for 2017 inaugurated

On Thursday we officially inducted our 2017 College student leaders, in a beautiful ceremony in the Savio Centre. Students received blessed badges and ties, were presented to the College community and recited their act of dedication together. We are very proud of all of them and are sure they will lead our College with pride in 2017. Congratulations to them all.

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Women in Parliament

On Wednesday 30 November, Kalia and I joined girls from a number of schools in Parliament House to learn about females in politics: how things worked, what went on and how women make an impact in our government. We started our day with a warm welcome from old scholar and former Dominic College teacher, Kimbra McCormack, and an icebreaker activity to meet the other girls from different schools who were there. We then listened to a brief talk from Michelle O'Byrne, ALP MP and the Deputy Leader of the Opposition in Tasmania.

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Future VET Pathways

A number of students from Dominic have chosen to enrol in VET studies at GYC in 2017. Below, they share why they have chosen to study VET: Sam Peters (Hospitality) I have chosen Hospitality as my VET course next year because, I love cooking and it’s my passion, I plan to open up my own restaurant in Melbourne and hopefully do an apprentic

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Annual Awards Ceremony success

​There was so much talent and good will on display at the annual end-of-year Dominic College Year 6-10 Awards ceremony in the Savio Centre on Friday 25 November. Students and staff, family and friends, plus local community and special guests, witnessed a remarkable group of students congratulated for their academic results, their school and community leadership, their creative talent and their service and big hearts. This was the final assembly for Year 10 students, whose leaders passed on the sym

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