
English subjects communicate the knowledge and ideas that help students to make sense of their own lives and the world around them. They provide essential skills for the workforce and for tertiary studies.


Students study English as a core subject from Years 7-10 built around the three interrelated strands of Language, Literature and Literacy. Together the strands focus on developing students' knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating. Students move from mastering the essentials of written expression to more sophisticated language use. There is a gradual increase in literature appreciation (novels, plays, poetry, short stories and film) over the four years to prepare students for English Studies in Years 11 and 12. Each student's own writing is an important component in all year levels and they learn many techniques for improving the quality of their work. Speaking and listening skills are also developed.

Creative Writing

Students have the option to select Creative Writing as an elective subject offered in Years 9 and 10. Students who have shown flair and potential in imaginative writing in English classes have the opportunity to refine their pieces to publishable standard. They begin to learn the skills and techniques used by successful writers. This is a one year course which students may elect to study in either Year 9 or Year 10.