Community Events

Talking Heads 2018 flies

Talking Heads 2018 was performed over three nights in the Oratory Space this week, from 12-14 June. Families and staff were impressed by the honesty, maturity and vivaciousness of the performances in a captivating series of monologues.

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Cross Country season!

​The past fortnight has seen the two interschool junior cross country events held at the Rokeby Police Academy. On 8 June the Catholic Primary School Cross Country was held with good numbers from Dominic College attending on the student-free day, which was great.

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Mental Health Week 2018

Maggie Baker - our College Captain was driven to mirror the work done in our EMPOWER Program and help the students who were struggling with their Mental Health. Maggie created numerous options, proposals and ideas that she took to the Senate and through the College Leadership Team to find the right balance and speakers for each year level.

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Talking Heads 2018

​Senior Drama students are presenting monologues in class at the moment. A selection of pieces will be presented in TALKING HEADS next week. Here are some snippets some of the cast about their preparation.

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Junior dancers perform

We would like to congratulate our Junior Dance group on a fabulous performance on Wednesday in our K-6 assembly. What a wonderful effort from all our students who have worked incredibly hard to learn all the steps and put the routine together in such a short time. Thank you to our parents and families for your on-going support and encouragement for our Junior Dance program in Term 1 and 2.

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UTAS Science and Engineering Challenge

At UTAS Sandy Bay Campus 32 Dominic College Year 9 and 10 students joined with over 120 other students from schools last week for a day of competitive critical-thinking STEAM (Science, Engineering, Arts, Technology and Mathematics) activities, aimed at inspiring creativity, innovation, problem-solving and team work.

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Inaugural Year 3 - Year 10 Cross Country Carnival

​On Friday 25 May a large part of the Dominic community came together for the inaugural 3-10 Cross Country. A day full of fun, cheering, competitiveness and sportsmanship ensued in what can only be seen as a huge success. Having a 3-10 event has been a dream for a long while and it came to successful fruition last Friday.

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Thank you to Mrs Alston

Congratulations to Mrs Elspeth Alston on her Volunteers Award last week and thank you for your many hours of volunteer service. Since her boys enrolled at Dominic College in 2003, Mrs Alston has been a generous volunteer in our community, especially in the College Library, for which we are most grateful.

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P&F President reports

We have had a very busy month since our last meeting with some of our most popular events being very well supported. Our Mother’s Day Stall was held on Wednesday 9 May and the students had a great time picking out beautiful and special gifts for the women in their lives.

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Gratitude to volunteers

This week we commemorate National Volunteer Week to acknowledge and give thanks to all the wonderful people in our country to who give up their time to generously help others. We are most grateful to all our parents, guardians and friends here at Dominic who give up their time each and every week for the service of others: as parent helpers in classrooms, on our excursions, assisting in Mamma Margaret’s Kitchen, coaching sporting teams and many other activities. We give thanks to the students and teachers who also give up their time to help others both in and outside of our community.

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