Community Events

The Good Doctor

The Senior Drama production of The Good Doctor was an outstanding set of ensemble performances. On Tuesday and Wednesday evening, last week, our hard working cast performed to full houses. The Oratory was in intimate thrust mode, with the audience and actors in close proximity on a

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Thank you RH Sports

In the recent term break, I was privileged to participate in the Cagliero project, a two week immersion program to explore the work of the Salesians in Cambodia and experience Cambodian life. The majority of our t

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Dominic at the Festival of Bright Ideas

Dominic College has two stalls at the Festival of Bright Ideas, thanks to the hard work of Ms Jane Myers and Mr Brad Parkin. The first day was Friday 11 August, a schools only day. Students were busy entertaining and educating visiting groups of students from all over Hobart, public, independent and Catholic.

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DOSA meeting at GYC

The Dominic Old Scholars Association (DOSA) committee normally meets in the Basil Fox Room at Grantleigh once or twice a term. However, the August meeting was held at Guilford Young College, the former Dominic College Senior Campus, in the GYC Boardroom, the former chapel at Holy Name Convent. Many thanks to GYC for their hospitality in allowing the DOSA Committee to use this space. After our regular meeting to discuss upcoming events and matters of interest to past students, the committee atte

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Feast Day for our Dominican Patron Saints

​On Wednesday, we celebrated our Dominican Feast Day with great gusto. Our Feast Day aims to affirm the meaning the lives of our Patrons, St Dominic Guzman and St Catherine of Siena continue to hold for us today. Both these saints were exemplary servants of the Church and people of great faith, undertaking courageous wo

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Senior Drama performances coming soon

A combination of Neil Simon and Chekhov, The Good Doctor, is a comedy that is by turns, charming, hilarious, sad, and touching. It centres around a writer, who speaks to the audience and shares his writing with them, throughout one day. He presents them with a variety of scene

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DOSA Football wine

​The DOSA (Dominic Old Scholars Association) Football Club is having its annual “Wine Drive” to raise some much needed funds for this wonderful volunteer organisation. Mr Davey and myself as players of this great club and as staff members of the school have loved the support from Dominic College and the wider Dominic Community over our duration as members of DOSA F.C.

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Old scholar stars in Antigone

Dominic College old scholar, Ryan Enniss, Class of 2013, is studying at UTAS Launceston, and is the Artistic Director of Fawkes Theatre Company there. Ryan says they have just had a very exciting season of Sophocles’ ‘Antigone’, in which he played the lead role of Creon. ‘We will be touring th

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Dominic students success at Dance Eisteddfod

Elective Dance students enjoyed great success at the Southern Tasmania Dance Eisteddfod on the first day of competition, in the secondary schools group section. Dominic had two classes entered, the Year 8 Dance Elective and the Years 9/10 Dance Elective c

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On Monday 3 July, 21 students represented Dominic College at the Flag Raising Ceremony held at Risdon Cove to begin NAIDOC week celebrations. On a beautiful but frosty morning, students walked to the top of the hill at Risdon Cove and gathered with many others who listened to a Welcome to Country, watched as the flag was raised

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