Community Events

Equestrian Neave

On Sunday 15 April, the 2018 Dominic College Equestrian Representative, Year 8 student, Neave Schofield, encountered harsh winter weather while representing Dominic at the 2018 Inter Schools Horse Trials.

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Dominic College presents: Steve Biddulph

​On Wednesday night, 11 April, the Dominic College Community were blessed with a presentation from world-famous author and speaker, Mr Steve Biddulph, on Raising Boys. Steve was an amazing presenter. He talked about the evolution of boys and men and offered many ideas and suggestions on how we can best mould the next generation of young men.

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Fra Angelico Opening Ceremony

On Wednesday 11 April, we blessed and opened our new Creative Arts facilities - Fra Angelico - and also took the opportunity to bless The Oratory Space. It was wonderful to have gathered together, with our Salesian Provincial, Fr Will Matthews SDB, our Vice Provincial and Chair of our College Council, Fr Bernie Graham SDB and our Rector Fr Lawrie Moate SDB along with the Hon Senator Eric Abetz, to bless and open these excellent spaces.

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Open Classroom morning

This week we hosted our annual Open Classroom event, which saw over 300 parents, grandparents, carers and guardians working alongside their children and grandchildren during our first morning block. The feedback from our visitors was positive with many commenting on how wonderful this opportunity was to spend time in our classrooms and see some of the activities we do.

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7-10 House Athletics Carnival

We watched our brilliant friend, Year 10 student, Samuel Walker compete at the Commonwealth games on Monday night. Then on Tuesday, 10 April, we had our 2018 Athletics Carnival! Everyone had extra motivation from watching one of our own doing so well on the world stage. Well done, Sam!

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7-10 Athletics Carnival information

The Dominic College Inter-House Athletics Carnival is to be held on Tuesday 10 April at the Domain Athletics Centre. This is a normal school day and an important part of your child’s school life. We encourage full participation and ask for your assistance in promoting this event as a positive way to participate in the life of the College. Students are required to wear full sports uniform to and from the Domain but are encouraged to wear HOUSE COLOURS at the carnival.

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Dominic Old Scholars Association (DOSA) Football 2018

Off the field the club has worked hard on its recruitment and has appointed father/son recruit Jake Briggs as senior coach. Jake is the son of the former DOSA hard-man Anthony Briggs who played 149 games for the Roosters in the 80-90s. Our assistant coaches this year are Caden Wilson, a Dominic old scholar who is a former William Leitch medallist and premiership player in both the TSL and SFL and Michael Fisher who returns to the club after a successful year in the TSL. Michael won both the OSFA and Roosters B&F in 2016.

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ANZAC Day: Dominic College and the community

​This year ANZAC Day falls during the upcoming Term 1 school holidays on Wednesday 25 April. It has become a tradition at Dominic College that all students are asked to represent the College at ceremonies at Glenorchy, Hobart, Lenah Valley, Pontville or New Norfolk. This is a day of national ritual and commemoration of sacrifice undertaken for our nation. It is a day during which large number of students, looking wonderful in their formal uniforms, participate in ANZAC Day marches and ceremonies

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Holy Week 2018

This week across the College we have spent significant time in prayer and reflection in our Chapel and in our classrooms. I also commend all students for the manner in which they have energetically and selflessly committed to raising funds for Caritas’ Project Compassion. It has been a great effort by all students.

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Catholic Education Week at Dominic College

This week we have marked Catholic Education Week by continuing to work with our students, families and parish to help children and young people develop and learn to integrate their gifts of body, mind and spirit in a caring community, based on Gospel values.

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