More than 25 years of service
Congratulations to Mrs Rosemary Street (nee Fielding) who received her 25 years of service award from Catholic Education this week. But this is only the tip of the iceberg for her involvement!
View MoreCongratulations to Mrs Rosemary Street (nee Fielding) who received her 25 years of service award from Catholic Education this week. But this is only the tip of the iceberg for her involvement!
View MoreIt has been a very hectic but exciting start to the year for the P&F with guest speakers at our first two meetings, exciting projects on the go and a vibrant and energised committee.
View MoreOn Wednesday evening a large number of parents joined the K-6 teachers to find out more about how they, too, can support their child’s writing. The evening began with a short introduction and then participants broke into the small workshop groups they had selected from the ten on offer. Armed with a plastic pocket, people headed off to their assigned room to learn more about :
View MoreWell done, Natalie Roland and team! Year 10 student, Natalie Roland did a great job with her team in the 2018 Relay for Life last weekend.
View MoreDominic College is again offering parents and guardians the opportunity to participate in workshop sessions to hear about ways they can support their child’s learning at home. Our first Parent Workshop for 2018 will focus on Literacy and will look at practical ways you can help your child with Writing.
View MoreDominic College in collaboration with the Dominic College Parents & Friends is very proud to present 'An Evening with Steve Biddulph'. We have been very lucky to secure Steve Biddulph as a guest speaker at our College. He will be presenting his world famous presentation on Raising Boys at the College on Wednesday 11th April at 7:30pm.
View MoreThis week saw the commencement of the Tasmanian Debating Union’s Southern Schools competition. As in previous years, we have a strong presence in this competition, with teams representing each of the year levels.
View MoreWe had an amazing turnout to the P&F Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 21 February and as a result all positions this year have been filled. The new P&F Community Executive members are President - Nicola Rayner, Vice President - Anne Lacy, Treasurer - Amanda Page, Secretary - Jo Berry and Event Coordinator - Kirsty Schulze.
View MoreThe annual Tasmanian Theatre Awards, known as the Errols after Tasmanian Hollywood star, Errol Flynn, were awarded last weekend. Congratulations to all the winners especially old scholar Andrew Casey (1989) for his Best Supporting Performance (Male) for The Effect (Loud Mouth Theatre Company); and to old scholar Ryan Ennis (2013) for the Community Theatre Judges’ Award: Emerging Scriptwriter for Watching (produced by Fawkes Theatre Company).
View MoreOn Wednesday 7 March we held our International Women’s Day Breakfast for Year 5-10 girls, their mothers, carers, aunties, grandmothers and older sisters. Old scholars and friends of the College also attended in significant numbers with some 240 people gathered in the Savio Centre on Wednesday morning for a shared breakfast, to celebrate the achievements of girls and women and to raise funds for girls in Samoa to be able access their right to a quality education.
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